Why does the majority of the population hate their jobs?


In the US, studies show that up to 70% of the working population is unhappy in their workplace.

I have listed reasons I have seen given on the internet..

Some articles suggest education—either lacking in the needed education that someone needs for the career they want OR having an education in a field with not enough jobs for all—as reasons.

Some people suggest that people would like going to work more if they made the money they thought was fair or that they deserved for they work they put out.

Some people suggest the work isn’t bad, but if the stress is too much, or the work/life balance is unbalanced that causes resentment for the job

And some people say there are some people who are just unhappy to work at anything and don’t have the work ethic to invest and be happy in a job.

I am sure there are plenty of other theories to share as well.

70% seems like A LOT of unhappy people to me, so I thought it would be an interesting discussion.

Bonus Question: Is there a ‘fix’ for this so that everyone can have a job they love? Can everyone have a job they love?

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