22 Weeks 5 Days 😔


It was this point in my last pregnancy that I lost my daughter. This week has been an emotional rollercoaster. Saturday makes me 23 weeks and we have been waiting for that day since the moment I saw those pink lines. Saturday my baby is viable and they will actually do something to save my peanut if something were to happen. I'm seeing better doctors, doctors who listen to my concerns and react appropriately, so I know this baby is in good hands. However I'm still a nervous wreck. I just want to curl in a ball and cry and hold my sweet daughter again. I have an ultrasound today to check my cervix, which they have been doing since 16 weeks, and they always give me a peek of the baby. Hopefully that calms my heart a little. I feel my peanut moving all the time but it doesnt feel real yet. Just needed to get some of this out. I hope everyone else's rainbows are doing great! And we will have them in our arms in no time 😊