(Long) NICU twins birth story..


Before and after Pictures at the bottom ♥️ So I’m HELLLLA late and this is hella long too. They’re 10 months on the 2nd. But I feel like I finally have time to write this.

Let me start by saying my pregnancy SUCKED. But I would absolutely 100% do it again for them. My 1st trimester, my best friend was the toilet. Everyone was in awe twins were coming since it’s been a couple generations. It runs on both of our sides of the family. Both great grandmothers too! (Please please please don’t ever tell some one pregnant with multiples: “wow that’s double the money, formula, crying diapers.” Because for me my first thought was double the love, kisses, and memories) 2nd trimester I had a break from sickness for a couple weeks but around 18 weeks it went downhill again. I ended up having a kidney stone. Went in the ER each day for 3 days because I was in so much pain.. why they didn’t admit me, I don’t know... I ended up passing it to only have ANOTHER one at 20 weeks.. they admitted me when I went in after my gender reveal, because after 20 weeks you go up to L&D. 4 days I was there. It wouldn’t pass, and we had a date for surgery scheduled. I was so terrified for my boys. What if something went wrong? What if I lost one, or god forbid both of them. On the 3rd day I passed “something”. But they still insisted on surgery Incase there were fragments that broke off. The day for surgery came and I was to scared to go and I was so sure that was it because I was feeling better. I was right and I was so happy I made the decision not to go. The 3rd trimester I wasn’t in very long. I was 32 weeks and 5 days. I went in the day before because I had been feeling “off” for a couple days. I had migraines that the sound of breathing hurt my brain. My feet and ankles got so swollen they were turning purple. My mother in law drove me to the hospital where it was confirmed when I had blood pressure of 141/98. They gave me magnesium (boost the brain or lungs I can’t remember which) which feels like someone is putting acid through every single one of your veins. It fucking sucks. They were keeping an eye on me to see if anything changed because all of these were signs of preeclampsia. My mother in law (Renee) is a god sent, she stayed with me the whole night. I told my fiancé to stay home with our dog and to come in the morning.

Mid morning is when shit hit the fan. My fiancé (Justin) was here now and Renee had left. I decided to get a nap in and was putting the back of my bed down when my vision got dark and I saw what I can best describe as “fireflies” flying everywhere. When it stopped the nurse looked at me worried after consulting with the doctor and she told me that I’ll be having an emergency c section in a couple hours. So, silly me, told Justin to go get the diaper bag because I’m thinking we’re gonna take them home. Cause that’s what happens when you have a baby! Lmao. Not even 5 minutes after he leaves they start wheezing me back and I’m like “wtf? I thought a couple hours?! Not 30 minutes” we lived about 15 minutes from the hospital, and his mom lived another 15 minutes, he had to drop our dog off there. I call him trying to keep calm like “where are you” he said I’m driving to my moms and I told them they’re wheeling me back so to hurry the fuck up... I’m panicking at this point because I’m only 32 weeks and I want them to be okay and I also don’t want to do this alone. I’m on the table now with the anesthesiologist putting the epidural in my back. He’s almost done and the whole time I’m thinking “where the fuck is Justin. I’m about to do this holy shit holy shit HOLY SHIT. I can’t do this by myself what. The. FUCK.” Then HE WALKS IN and we do the damn thing. Cooper was born 12:09 at 4 pounds 3 ounces and Rodney was born 12:12 at 3 pounds 13 ounces. I saw them each for all of 2 seconds before they were taken away.. I didn’t even get to see them until end of the next day. Let me tell you, it is devastating. My anxiety was through the roof.. seeing them hooked up to 4 different machines with a bunch of wires and a tube to help them breathe...it broke me. I started sobbing just wanting so badly to take that pain off them and on to me. I’m discharged 4 days later. Without them. My heart was torn in two and each of them had a piece. They ended up “graduating” to their own room so I could sleep in the room with them. Of course Justins car breaks down and he has to use mine so I had to stay home to take care of our dog. Finally after 22 long days and I was finally able to take them home. The day after thanksgiving.

They have hit so many milestones this past month. They’re both crawling. Rodney is standing and starting to pull up on stuff! I just can’t believe how far we have come. I never thought in a million years I would be this happy. The boys are healthy. Justin and I are getting married next October. Thank you for making it this far if you did! I can go more into the NICU stay if you guys ask, I just feel like I wrote a damn novel.


Cooper on the left and Rodney on the right

Cooper. I call him my chunky 😍
