He won’t participate in my wedding.


So I’m getting married on Halloween this year, my fiancé is Wiccan and we will be having a Wiccan wedding. I made a public post on my social media to alert our guests that it is happening and letting them know I would also make sure it won’t affect them aside from we will ask our guests to be seated in a circle at the ceremony. My step father, whom raised me and I consider my father, had his new wife message me and tell me that they won’t be participating in my ceremony. They will stand off to the side but “due to religious beliefs they can’t stand in a circle or be blessed” (they’re Christian, and WE meaning me and my fiancé will be blessed, no one else.) my step father already had agreed to walk me down the aisle and now his wife says he can’t. I made the post thinking maybe friends would back out. NEVER thought my father would. I’m hurt. I’m so so hurt. My aunt who has supported me through a lot in my life also messaged me and said due to her religious beliefs she will not be attending at all. I’m shocked. All of my friends completely support us, they come from all walks of life, all religions, every one of them tells me how crazy it is that my dad and aunt did that. It’s my day. I’m not a religious person, but I would never, ever tell a family member or friend that I couldn’t go to their wedding because I don’t have their beliefs. I’m just venting I’m sorry I’m rambling..

UPDATE: since it’s obvious some people are misunderstanding my post, I am in no way saying they should just shut up and do something they’re uncomfortable with or whatever. My step father was not Christian when he was married to my mother so this is a very new religious belief system for him. My mother is Wiccan. She has been for my whole life. They were together for 17 years. I’m HURT. Imagine your family telling you they don’t support you. They can’t participate in something that’s the biggest moment of your life because they just don’t agree with it. This is important to my fiancé and that makes it important to me. It doesn’t matter what my religious beliefs are, or lack there of. I support those that I love. If people tell me they want to pray for me I don’t tell them no! I let them! Someone is taking their time to involve you in a deeply personal moment for them! You appreciate that prayer whether you believe in that religion or not. Im not asking anyone to do anything religious in my ceremony. It is all about me and my fiancé whether they stand in the circle or off to the side it’s literally the same ceremony for them. I just wanted the man I thought supported me through everything to walk me down the aisle.