I will never understand.

Kennedy • Married to my soulmate since 7.4.2020!💍💞 We have a 4 year old son, who took a year and a half to conceive! We are expecting baby girl March 11th 2021 after 2 1/2 years of ttc with fertility treatments 💖
I see too many complaints about positive pregnancy tests in this group. I understand the name of this group is "faint lines/no bfps" but as someone who struggled for over a year before I conceived I don't get why people get so nasty if a + pregnancy test is posted here. A positive pregnancy test, is a positive pregnancy test. Whether one test is more noticeably positive than the other. Faint lines are positive, and dark lines are positive. Is it so hard just to be happy for someone? You may feel irritated if you've been struggling through your TTC journey but 1; that's no ones fault, no need to be ass. 2) your time will come, trust me! My initial reason for this post is to just ask if some ladies could please lighten up? If you get on this app you know you're going to see positive pregnancy tests anyway. It just seems that someone always has to be a bitch about something. I just wish this app was like it was when I got it over a year ago. No rude comments. And constant support.