Induction experience?


Please help! My midwife is planning on inducing me this pregnancy at 37 weeks and I’m hoping to go natural. Has anyone done this? I’ve heard induction is SO MUCH worse!? Has anyone given birth both spontaneously and induced naturally? Was it different? I really need some honest experiences to prepare me for what to expect.

I’m not completely closed to having an epidural but I just don’t want this labour to be anything like my last as it was such a traumatic experience.

Thanks! ❤️

*back story*

I gave birth to my first daughter spontaneously at 40+6 and went completely natural, I really enjoyed the experience and the feeling of empowerment and was planning to do that for all my births. It really was the perfect labour/birth.

My second daughter passed away at 37+4 and I was induced the following day but opted for an epidural as I really didn’t have the strength to do it myself, the labour was quick and I didn’t feel a thing until a couple of hours after she was born.