I don't know how much longer I can see one line....

I don't know how many more times I can desperately hope and pray that one of these will come up with two lines with the greatest news I will ever receive. I don't know how many more times I can look down and see this. It breaks my heart....
I took a test yesterday afternoon, I'm a week late which is totally not normal for me. 
I have a perfect 28-27 day cycle. 
Anyways I'm a week late, I haven't noticed really any symptoms. Other then really no appetite but when I do have a appetite its like sharp "omg you have to have food now or your going to die" kind of hunger. Slight stomach cramps and pains but they don't feel like AF cramps, just being SOOO tired, and whitish/clears thick CM. Sooooo I took a test yesterday after noon, received a BFN
I told myself "don't get your hopes up" "DO NOT GET YOUR HOPES UP" I thought okay, maybe my urine wasnt concentrated enough may not have had enough hormone if I was pregnant, this morning I jumped out of the bed excited too test, and this is what I got...
Can't say I'm surprised but for a slight moment I thought maybe. 
I'm feeling really defeated. I don't know how much longer I can take this..
I guess I'm out this month Huh? Or is it still possible I am pregnant but my hormone is low? Please any advice is very appreciated & welcomed. Thank you