Just need to vent!!!!


So my boyfriend just broke up with me. His reason was because it had been 7 months of him not feeling a deep connection with me and that falling in love has not come naturally like it should. So he said we should be friends. I understand but he has put his guard up and has not really let me in. Anyways I told him it was his choice but being friends was never going to happen. So I escorted him out of my apartment. It was all so sudden He told me every day I had all the qualities he was looking for but he could not fall in love. Oh well it just caught me off guard and it hurt a lot. Thanks for reading girls 😢😌

Edit - You ladies are awesome! I am just going to find myself and start paying attention to that intuition when it starts kicking. I guess I am more mad at myself for not wanting to pay attention to the red flags and holding on to hope rather than running away earlier.