We hardly have sex but he’s slept with 30+ people in the past?

I’ve been with my partner for just over a year and he is 25 I’m 22, now all is well we are best friends etc. But his sex life is shocking

When we first started dating he told me that he had slept with a lot of people maybe 30+ and I was cool with that having slept with nearly 20.

I’m lucky to get it once a week and it’s always my call, it’s always me trying first, if I didn’t he just wouldn’t.

He is also very selfish and only sorts himself out every time I ask for sex or ask for a hand it’s always “I’m not in the mood” or he rolls his eyes

Now I would understand if something was going on and he needed time but he wanks 2 times a day if not more and it’s also become a big thing

He looks up people and is addicted to porn

Last two times we have had sex he lasted 3..I mean 3 seconds and apologies had been made and the second time was less then 2 minutes because we don’t have sex that often so I’m left unsatisfied.

I don’t know what to do.

P.s he has in the past openly said in the past he says no on purpose and doesn’t know why.