Poppy Amelia birth


Im still kind of in a daze at the moment, I gave birth exactly 13 hours ago to our beautiful daughter.

I was 37 weeks exactly and being induced because of preeclampsia. Checked into the hospital at 615am and got put on pitocin at around 715 since I was 3 cm dilated. Contractions weren't too bad, kind of like period cramps, when they checked me around 1230 I was still about 4 cm and baby was still pretty high up so they broke my water. Holy crap did the contractions get more intense.

I didn't get an epidural (although there was a point where I was considering it) but I used nitrous oxide to try and help relax. When they checked me around 230 I was only 4 1/2cm but the contractions were pretty close together. About 20 minutes laterI suddenly kept getting the urge to push and was pushing fluid out, they checked me and I had jumped to 9cm so they called my Dr who was 15 minutes away at a different hospital and told me to pant through contractions but my body kept involuntary pushing.

I pushed a bit with guidance until my Dr arrived (she didn't even get time to change just throw a cover over) and pushed for maybe 20-30 minutes before she slid out. Because she came so fast and how hard I was pushing I ended up with a 3rd degree tear but it was worth it. I was feeling more pressure while she tried to stitch me up and unexpectedly pushed out my placenta (which they didn't catch in time and went splat on the floor....whoops) but all of that didn't matter because I had my baby girl in my arms and I wouldn't trade that for anything.

3 weeks early and she was already 7lbs 7oz and 21 inches long.