My birth stories - Babe #1


Okay, so I am due with baby number 4 in 5 days, I have been getting crazy insomnia the past couple nights mixed with killer heartburn, also I am getting super impatient; so, since I adore reading these birth stories I decided I would share my first 3 birth stories to help me pass the time :)

First Babe:

My son was supposed to be Due April 29, 2014, but like most first time moms I went over. My mother went over 2 weeks late with me and I was 9lb 10 oz at birth so I was beginning to get terrified of what I was going to give birth to. So when though I really wanted a natural birth and to stay with my midwives (being induced meant my care was transferred to OB for the birth, care transferred right back to them when baby is born) I was ready to be induced and meet my baby. So induction scheduled for May 10.

That morning, we got up called the birthing unit to make sure we were sti good to go in. They had us come in an hour later because they were busy. We got checked in and registered and all that, they started by putting in the gel then you need to lie still for an hour, which isn't the most comfortable but not the end of the world. They had me walk around for a couple hours after that contractions started but were not horrible, they asked me if I wanted to get in the labour tub cause sometimes it helps dialate. I got put they checked me and I was at 4cm. They decided to hook me up to the pitocin to start moving things along and contractions were still manageable. I hear the woman in the room down the hall screaming so loud through her contractions that scared me. The nurse said to me if you want the epidural I suggest doing it now cause the anesthesiologist is going into a c-section and dont know when he will be able to come back. That scared me even more so I agreed to an epidural. The epidural in all honesty was the scariest part( I am a big baby and dont like needles and it scared me that I was having contractions through the process.) I was able to get some sleep through the night until about 2 -3 am when I started getting shivers and feeling like I needed to push. The nurse checked me and said I wasnt fully dialated and not to push cause I am just going to make myself swollen. Well let me tell you fighting the urge to push and the most painful part of that whole process. My mom kept telling me to "find my focal point" over and over and I just snapped, dropped a few F-Bombs.

After that they gave me more of the epidural so I was able to go on for another hour and a half. The Dr came in and asked if I wanted to try pushing and I was over the moon. Right when I gave my first push a nurse yelled from the hallway for the Dr. Something about an emergency delivery, a woman just coming in had her baby in the hall, so I waited for the dr. to come back to push again. Finally he comes back, I push for what felt like a very long hour and a half, the nurse told me she could tell I was getting exhausted "and to be honest the last push was pretty crappy" so she asked me if I wanted to see my sons head crowning, I said i didnt want to see scared i would be afraid to push him out. So she takes my hand and has me feel his head and that gave me what I needed to push.

At 7:45 am on Mother's Day 2014 I gave birth to my first baby, Tennyson. 8lb 4oz