Who wants to talk CM with me? 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️


We all know FAM is all about learning to read your body’s signals and the data we collect. I’m 4 cycles in since starting FAM and my cycles are somewhat predictable but always throw one curve ball or the other so I’m having a hard time keeping up here.

So the question I’m posing is this:

If you have heavy, tacky CM all day - Do you consider this a safe day to have sex that night?

My current situation:

*Temps had dropped finally after AF stopped on CD7, negative OPKs, all is well.

*CD7- had heavy, tacky, creamy CM all day. *Midnight - 1am that night, had a romp in the hay with the SO.

*No barriers or anything because we consider CD7 as our last day to be safe without any precautions.

*Didn’t chart CM CD8 because of the night before - as instructed in TCOYF.

*Today, CD9 - I’ve had (prepare for TMMMII)

A single gob of EWCM after using the restroom.

*After that, checked my cervix - High, Closed, Firm. CM upon checking CP was watery/creamy.

*took an OPK and was negative, so at this point I’m feeling good about it


That got me thinking - if you indeed have EWCM 1.5 days after having sex, are you still at a high risk of pregnancy - or does the heavy, “infertile” CM at the time of intercourse put you in the clear?

Thank you in advance fellow FAMers!!