Natural Pitocin med free, you can do it!


I had a scheduled induction at 39 and 1 weeks pregnant. I went in and was admitted. They checked me and i was 3cm dilated, so the midwife felt she could go ahead and start pitocin since i wasn’t in labor. I have a history of HELLP syndrome, so my physician didn’t want me to go any later than my due date. Anyway, Pitocin was started at 7 AM, the contractions were steady, not too bad, they got stronger as they slowly increased the pitocin. I used the birthing ball to keep moving and just focused on my breathing and staying relaxed one contraction at a time. My doctor checked me around 2 PM and i was only 4 cm :( She decided to break my water at that point, which really picked things up. Meanwhile, my daughter was having variable decelerations in her heart rate, so it was hard to stay in a position i was comfortable in since she kept having decels which meant i had to change positions and at one point needed a non rebreather mask with oxygen. My contractions got pretty strong on my birthing ball at one point and i decided to stand, which caused me to lose a ton of water since I’d only had a trickle when she initially broke it. It got harder and harder to breathe through the contractions, so i asked for the tub. They don’t let you get in the tub unless you’re 6 cm or more since it could stall labor, so i got in the shower, it helped a little. My nurse came in and told me i had the ok to get in the tub, so i joyfully hopped in. It felt wonderful...initially. Then my monitors stopped picking up as well and she was having more decels, so i had to change positions constantly, which intensified contractions. I was moaning at this point, so my nurse got me out of the tub to check me. I thought to myself, i CANNOT do this anymore if I’m not almost there. I would have told them to cut her out of me. I was at 9 cm with tons of pressure. My doctor came in and my nurse suggested getting on all 4s. Then i started pushing. I think i might have pushed for 10-15 minutes. The ring of fire is real, but once she was out, i felt amazing and flipped over to see her. She nursed almost immediately, for an hour, and never looked back 😂. She weighed 5 lbs 15 oz, surprisingly. Her last scan showed 6lbs 1oz at 36 weeks!