Ladies can someone advice me ?

I know this isn't a hospital and people have the answers I get that.. But I think someone can help or advice me what to do... So let  me start by saying my fiancé and I have unprocted sex all the time and we trying for a baby so last month we BD I had my Af this month july and than Bd this month also. My next AF is not due till August 1 or second The latest is 2 or 3 days late and the earliest is 1 day it been lime this always. This past monday i woke up with cramps TMI... I went to the br my pants had blood and when I urinate I had blood than when I wiped it was really light pink. Now three days later I don't have anything. I have no idea what happend the only thing I can think off is misscarige. Because I saw tissue like sticky string Tmi sorry ... I know that's wasn't inplantasion bleeding :(. I was thinking gong to the Doc not sure if it's worth it ... Thankyou if you took the time to read it just want some advice xoxox & baby dust for the ladies trying