She's here! 💕

Yasmine 🤰

Friday night 8/24 I had noticed a small leak and and some light cramping, nothing mom and I were concerned about just thinking I had a high leak. Saturday morning 8/25 I called the on call OB at the birth center and we decided to go in and get checked as I was still seeing a small amount of liquid on a pad. Spent 4hrs just being monitored and did a few tests to see if I had a leak. Durring that time baby girl was showing signs of stress and her heart rate was having dips. 

By 2pm doctor's set me up in a room and we started inducing labor! I was only 1/50 so we had a long ways to go. With cervadil in helping me thin out I had started labor, it was crazy how fast everything was going. At about 7pm it was time to check and see how far we had got, this y'all, this was the worst pain i had felt through out my entire time laboring. The nurse couldn't reach my cervix and I was having a contraction at the same time. My mom was actually holding me down, I get it you need to breathe but I could not catch my breath.

Right after JD showed up and I was so relived to see his face and just hold his hand. After all that I was traumatised and didn't want to be touched again, we just kept doing labor and waiting for 2am to roll around to take out the cervadil and start pitocin. 8/26 at 2am they decided to go ahead with the epidural early so we could do another cervix check. I was happy I got to be numb for this cause I was so scared after that last check. 

We didn't start pitocin cause baby girls heart rate started to show some dips again so we waiting till 4am and started, 5am woke up wet, thankfully my water broke on its own. At 7am we stopped the pitocin cause once again baby girls heart was showing mire dips. Of course by this time my mind is racing because I have no idea what's going to happen, we do not want an emergency to happen, we just want our girl out safe and healthy. 

This entire time I'm not able to lay on my right side and my body is tired of all other ways to lay but everytime I was on my right side baby girls heart would drop. We waited for a few hours to start up the pitocin again and we only had it running an hour till the doctor came in and we had to talk about our options. My anxiety was through the roof when we started talking about how a C-Section was the best way to go to make sure we have a safe and healthy baby. 

11am. I already have more then half the stuff I need done for a C-Section so prep wasn't long, JD was ready and as they finished getting me ready we sat in prayer. I tearfully held mom's hand scared out of my mind. See you laters are said and we're off. Honestly the number one thing I was fearful of was baby girl not being okay, then second fear... I can't move, I'm literally paralyzed waist down, that's a scary feeling. 

With hormones and anxiety my body would not stop shaking, as I lay there trying to breath, calm myself, I'm just shaking and crying. Then you know it's started, the smell...goodness. Now you feel them, the tugs, pulls. Feels like forever. I was for sure gonna vomit, and I did... twice. The nausea meds they gave me weren't so helpful in that department.

Boom. She's here, I can hear my sweet girl on the other side of that drape, JD puts his head on mine saying how beautiful she is. They walk to my side and sadly as they are trying to show her to me I'm throwing up for that second time. The anesthesiologist was so kind and gentle, he cleaned me up as I watch them clean and weigh my baby to my left. 8/26/2018 12pm, noon on the dot. 6Ibs 8oz oh my tiny baby. JD comes over with her wrapped up, my sweet girl, they all weren't lying, this girl is cute as heck! And she's mine. 

Time for baby girl and Jesús to head to the recovery room as they close me up and clean me off. The Doctor comes to my side and we talk, she says we made the right call to do a C-Section. The way the placenta and cord were sitting baby girl would not have liked pushing and it would have turned into an emergency. When I hear that it was the right call this guilt and fear were just lifted off my shoulders.

Recovery room, the nurses ugh! So stinking awesome praising me and loving on me, knowing how fearful I was about it all. Oh my goodness and holding my sweet girl, I couldn't (still can't) believe that I've been blessed with her. She's mine! 

My sweet Alyssa (Aly) Michelle 💕