My perfect birth story 💕


Week leading up: no dilation. Baby was really low (which she had been for months). Had a lot of inconsistent cramping. Pressure in between my legs and occasional pain that I would feel down my thighs. Back contractions, nothing lasting too long.

Day before: same ailments as above. I decided to read up on essential oils that encourage dilation and use the labor ball. I went with rose essential oil in the diffuser. I’m sure it helped that my 2 year old was wanting to bounce and roll on the ball with me.

Night before: went to the restroom and noticed a brownish pink color when I wiped. No mucus. No blood. No water. Called my doctor, she was confident it was just my cervix dilating and losing some blood/blood vessels. Noticed more regular contractions, began timing for the first time - 11 minutes apart. I figured I’d get some sleep and see where we were in the morning, expecting them to stop. I don’t think I slept more than 30 minutes at a time and each time I would wake up I would think about starting the timer before falling asleep again - starting the cycle all over.

5AM: started the timer. Called my mom (who lives 2.5 hours away), let her know what was going on. I had a doctors appointment at 2PM and was nervous to drive myself since I had my 2 year old - my husband had just left for work. Contractions were still around 8 minutes, but I wasn’t sure if they had been consistent since I was sleeping on and off. Went back to bed for a few hours and by the time I got up my mom was here.

9AM: contractions were 5-7 minutes apart, lasting anywhere from 45 seconds to 1 minute if I was sitting. 1-2 minutes apart, 30 seconds long when I was standing. I thought I’d casually have breakfast, take a shower, and call the doctor while my mom got my daughter ready, but intuitively knew I would have to change my plans. Called the doctor, informed them I had an appointment at 2, and they told me to start heading to the hospital.

Noon: arrived at the hospital and was 4cm dilated. They didn’t even bother with the “we will observe you” conversation and started working on admitting me - the only issue? The whole labor and delivery floor was full. My OB arrived, they were trying to see if they could get me medication downstairs to help with the pain, and get me in a room ASAP. I was checked again and at a 6. My OB informed me that there was a chance I would be delivering this baby in the emergency room. This was my second baby, my first was completely natural without choice because she came too fast to get an epidural. I already had a focal point in the room I was in, Rolling Stones station playing on Pandora, took a deep breath, and started preparing myself to have a natural birth - again. I was also alone. My mom was still with my daughter and my husband was on his way.

1PM: a new nurse walked in blazing saddles. She said “I am Danielle, your labor and delivery nurse” we got you a room, we’re going upstairs. She told my last nurse to call upstairs, she wants an anesthesiologist waiting on us. Right before they start wheeling me, my husband and mom walk in. They later told me they were out of breath trying to keep up with Danielle she got me there so fast. There were two anesthesiologists waiting. They immediately got me on the edge of the bed and started getting me ready. I had fear of the pain of the procedure, but all I felt was pressure, coolness, two more contractions, warm & tingly toes - then nothing. I told the doctor that it was probably inappropriate seeing that I was naked, pregnant, and my husband was in the next room, but he was the love of my life. I was so grateful to get to the place in labor where I hoped I would get to be - present and aware of my daughter entering this world (my natural birth was not this way, I didn’t enjoy any of it because I was not able to escape the pain). I was given a catheter at this point.

3-4PM: I was hanging out, eating ice chips, enjoying the music and the presence of my family overlooking Sarasota as a thunder storm started rolling in. My OB came in to check on me and I was at a 10. The only thing between my daughter and the world was my water which hadn’t broken yet. She said there was a girl next door also having a baby, having a hard time & I said “go help her. We’re good here. I’m in no rush and have no where to go”. 😂🤷‍♀️

4:20PM: my OB came back and said the other girl still hasn’t delivered. Asked if I was ready to go. Began setting up and the next thing I knew my legs were up, bed was down, chin was at my chest, and they told me to push when I felt the need. To my surprise I could feel everything I needed to, with no pain or discomfort. I knew when I had to push and was able to tell them when it was happening. I could feel my daughters head move further into the birth canal and my body expanding to accommodate her. My OB guiding and manipulating me in order to help her out without any tearing. And then I heard her, a little noise I couldn’t immediately identify. As quickly as I had the thought I didn’t know what that noise was, my soul took over and recognized hers. That was the moment I wanted.

My second daughter, Cameron Lee White, was born on August 28, 2018 at 4:41PM weighing 6lb 12oz and 19.75 inches long. Absolutely perfect and healthy. No complications, regular hospital stay, and happy to be home. Thank you all for being a part of my pregnancy journey. I look forward to watching our babies grow together!