Got to meet my baby girl a little earlier

Billie • Wife to Jonathan! Mommy to Fallon Grace!

My due date was August 31,2018 but at 1am on August 8th I started having contractions now do note this us my first pregnancy so for all I knew is they was BH contractions but I was bleeding at the same time. So at 5:45am my husband got up to go to work I told him what was going on so he knew to have his phone with him at work just in case. So about 8am I took a shower and after that I could no longer walk through a contraction so I called him by 9am we went to our birthing center. I was at a 4 so that admitted us. After a long day of waiting and not doing any pain meds at 10:45pm we have a 5lb 12oz 18 inch long little girl that we named Fallon Grace. My doctor later told me that next pregnancy I will be on medicine since this was my first pregnancy and I went into labor naturally with her with nothing wrong he is worried that next time the baby could come sooner then 36weeks. So happy my little girl was healthy tho!