Do I need psychological help?

I’m a 23 year old woman and I was raised within a very catholic family. So sex is something you just don’t want to mention in front of my parents. My mom has spent my whole life drilling all these ideas about how unmarried sex defiles you. You probably know the kind of things she has said to me. But anyway, I started having sex with my boyfriend a month ago (we are on a long relationship) and I feel so guilty I don’t even enjoy it at all! It’s like even though I know the things my mom says are not true, I still feel dirty and unworthy and after having sex, I just feel horribly anxious until my period comes. I’ve had panic attacks...they are so bad. And obviously it’s starting to mess up my relationship because he feels weird about my illogical fear of getting pregnant even though we are very careful. In my place, would you choose to stop having sex? Or would you look for some kind of professional help?