An emotional rollercoaster

Stefani • 7•6•2015 🌸 5•13•2019 💗

So last week I found out I was pregnant. The next day I went to my ob to verify pregnancy and I’m measured at 3w3d. When my ob did my ultrasound, he told me it looked like there was a lot of amniotic fluid around my uterus and that he was concerned about me having an ectopic pregnancy. I wasn’t showing any symptoms of one so I was really confused. He sent me over the same day to the hospital to check my hcg levels. My levels were 85. I went to my ob again yesterday after getting my levels checked again and my levels were 790! I got another ultrasound done and the nurse said she could see the gestational sac forming and in about 2 weeks I should see my little one! My ob came in with a big smile on his face and said see I told you not to worry! I mean when the words ectopic pregnancy and surgery come up it’s kinda hard not to worry! Lol. Until then it’s taking prenatals and I go back on the 25th where I will be 7 weeks ❤️ Keep me in your thoughts!