Is it over? Advice please!!

If it feels like it’s over and he’s not crazy into me and me either is it over? Ps in also going thru a major custody battle with my ex so it does weigh on me heavily and doesn’t help us, he’s been helping me with a really good lawyer he knows I’m so thankful but it’s hard to go thru. He’s more established then me. I’m trying to get back on my feet and he’s doing really well owns several business. We were both not looking for a partner when we met but guess we fell for each other. I thought it felt like love but been hurt so many times in relationships now I’m confused Was it just a fling ? I didn’t want it to be and to get hurt 😢 I’m finding myself crying 😢 pmsing please support..

also maybe he don’t know how to love. He says he’s been through things and it’s been really hard to get to where he has wasent easy success but he never shows that or talks about it so many he’s got walls up to or copping mechanism to just focus on business and block out the bad things he’s been through . ❤️ I thought I loved him and he did but I don’t feel loved maybe it’s like the 5 love ❤️ languages and he’s just trying to love me how he feels love but it’s not how I feel love and how I do he doesn’t like if he does by acts of service and or just loyalty and respect and mine is time and or physical touch. 😐🤔🤗

Please advice 🤔 I work with him. Well not around him but still work with him see him drop in daily.

He says don’t be stupid about it just cause I’m not all lovey with u don’t mean I don’t feel for you. He isn’t a cuddler but then why would he lay with me two times when we first met I feel that’s misleading. 😕

Please advice and support ladies!!??

Thank you 😊❤️