Help!! What do I do?

So I’m gonna start off with a little backstory to help explain things. Back when I was starting to hang out with my now-bestfriend (I’ll call her J), I was obviously being more involved with the rest of her friend group. And I love em all for the most part. We all get along, or so I thought.

There was one girl in particular (I’ll call her L). I thought was pretty cool, and we shared a fairly similar sense of humor. Everything was fine for a pretty long time, and we were all good friends. Somewhere along the line L started acting a bit different to my J. She cancelled on some of their plans and hung up when my called. It wasn’t a huge thing, but J was a bit upset about it. I thought L must’ve just be going through something or having a rough week.

Anyway, farther down the line L apparently had a crush on my guy friend of 4 years, whom I am usually playful/affectionate towards, but it’s always in a completely platonic matter. The guy and I both agree we’re always just gonna be friends because we just don’t have any sort of romance going on there. It’d be weird. Well, instead of talking to me about this she made up fake names for us so she could gossip about it right in front of me! When J told me about this later I was just so confused because I had told L before I had no interest in my guy friend. She was just being so nasty about it and jumping to conclusions.

This passed and I forgave and forgot about it. However, today at lunch I was made aware that she’s been saying more stuff behind my back! Keep in mind it’s been around a year since the last incident. Anyway, she was saying that I “stole” her friends because I hang out with J a lot and my guy friend gave me a paper to sign during lunch the day before (we’re running for class officers with a couple other friends). She also claimed I once told her to “shut up, we all know you like (guy friend).” I definitely have never said anything like this, and J backed me up on that. I was never rude to her about liking him. I just have no idea what to do or how she got to this conclusion! Nor do I get why she thinks I would be friends with someone just to spite her! I’ve been friends with the guy for years, and I don’t understand why she’s mad at me for hanging out with J. L can hang out with her whenever she pleases! I just don’t know what I should do about this. Please help.