Blocking me?


My best friend one night after I went to bed said she was gonna block my number. The next day she didn’t talk to me at all. I saw her at the end of the day and she said I did nothing wrong but then she left. She seemed like she really didn’t want to talk. So it turns out she did actually block me. I asked her why a little later over Snapchat and she said she blocked my because I had homework. Then I asked why she didn’t talk to me and she just said “do I always have to be the one to come up to you?” I never said that but like ok??? First of all though, I was the one who came up to you. Second of all, you blocked me so what did you want me to do? Third of all, I really think you had homework is an excuse. I went to bed. If you were busy there was no reason to block me because I wasn’t even on my phone to distract you.