I gotta rant about it..


So.. I know it may have been a bad idea.. I can see that. But I took my newborn to Walmart because I needed groceries.

He was born at 37 weeks and 3 days. And I needed a different formula since my milk isn't enough for him yet. (Still working on that) So I gave birth Friday at 7:05pm.

Anyway! Back on topic.

I brought him to Walmart and this lady stopped me (a worker) and said

"Small baby, how old is he." And I respond "he's not even a week old." And she scoffed and said "So you bring him to Walmart." In the rudest way possible.. I was wiping everything down. Even the changing table, and put my own pad down. Like I'm an insane germaphobe and have been before I had him.

😒🙄 "Yes, I needed to pick up a few things."

I had him in the buggy with the thing that holds the car seat carriers and had a very thin blanket over the front. Checking on him every so often. He slept PERFECT! And even slept through a nappy change. (The first)

And then I got criticized because my boobs were leaking a bit through my bra.. which was also a first for me. I had on a nice loose top and for the first time could put on some nice jeggings.

"You should put in a bra" "You need to cover that up." .. I had a damn bra on. I didn't think I'd be leaking. 😑🤦🏼‍♀️ Lord Jesus.. But yeah. That's how my day went.