Gaslighting (I think)

So here’s what happened.

I made one flirty comment with a guy at work. Then I immediately told him I was married. I felt so much guilt over it that I told my husband because he HATES secrets. Also idk I just was worried about him somehow finding out and leaving me for it (he’s always threatening to leave).

So I told him. He threw his ring at me and told me “Obviously I’m not always in your mind.” And then packed his things and left.

Later he came back and cried to me saying it was cheating and he was so hurt. I felt TERRIBLE. I hated myself. I cried for hours. He kept saying he didn’t know how he could be comfortable in our house with me anymore, how he couldn’t look at me the same.

Then he told me that I need to make it up to him by cooking more (he’s always done the cooking because I am an awful cook) and cleaning more (I clean, but usually only on the weekends because I have a full time job and a dog with no yard so I’m usually taking him to the dog park for 2 hours everyday) and just “being a better wife.”

I said I’d do whatever he needs to trust me again because I love him.

He said he didn’t know if he could love me again and then left, with his clothes in his car. He was gone for 6 hours. The longer he was gone and the more I thought about it, the more I realized I don’t deserve to be demonized for one flirty comment. I shouldn’t have done it, I’ll give him that but I shut it down immediately afterwards.

This is an everyday thing. His clothes are in his car more than in the closet and honestly I’m tired of it. I finally stood up to him and told him I needed a few days to myself to decide if I wanted to stay.

I don’t know because he said he would work on it, but I can’t live like this. I’m worried that any action I make will make him leave. And honestly I’m disappointed in myself for feeling bad about the tiniest thing.

I’m having such a hard time deciding if I should stay. I need your help, ladies.