Parents won’t let us get married

Hello I wanted to post this anonymously in case someone who knows me decides to tell. I am engaged secretly to my boyfriend. My religion Iglesia Ni Cristo or Church of Christ forbids relationships with nonmembers. My fiancé is doing bible study to join. Living together without the vows of marriage is not allowed. My parents are controlling Asians that want to be a part of every aspect of my life. It’s mentally and emotionally draining. They use our religion to basically control me. I don’t think they’ll allow me to get married with my fiancé even when he’s in the church. They straight up told me I can’t get married until I’m out of college. That’s the thing though I’m homeschooled I’m trapped at home, I can’t get a job, I can’t get a car. When I perfectly capable to getting those things they just restrict me. I’m going insane here and I see my fiancé when he’s not busy but they get annoyed and they won’t allow me to see his family because our Filipino culture says the guys have to do all the pursuing. My religions the main thing that’s stopping me. I don’t know if im allowed to get married without parent permission. I want to be on my own with my fiancé he has a job and he’s all set he’s a chef. My college is free because of a scholarship. I don’t feel happy at home and I don’t know what to do.