Just a disclaimer, this may take a lil while to read

Hi friends. My name is Olivia, I am 12 and I am here to rant about some anonymous humans that get on my nerves. I’ve had this best friend since the fourth grade. We’ve been through everything together. In fifth grade, a new girl came and started false rumors about me that I was a lesbian (nothing against lesbians it’s just that she made me mad bc she was spreading false info) she also was really mean to a couple of other friends too. She was every iconic high school movie queen bee all rolled into one human. She did pageants, had guys head over heels (still does), and teachers and adults saw her as an innocent lil cinnamon roll. One day my best friend from fourth grade started hanging out with said pageant princess (again, no criticism of you do pageants). She left me for a month for the pageant girl. Then, all of a sudden she was back. The pageant girl has a group of friends similar to the plastics (my 2 friends now and I call them the spazztic plastics) Anyhoo, said pageant girl was super bratty and rude, as well as her minions. Last year (6th grade for me) there was a new girl who was the person that all of us “sorry people” needed. She actually stood up to said bratty girl and they would butt heads EVERY GYM CLASS (it was required in 6th grade) There would be SO MUCH locker room tea. From accusing eachother of calling eachother names, rumors, and everything we all hate about teenage girls. When the second semester of 6th grade rolled around, everyone was happy. I had a huge friend group including the new girl and my fourth grade friend. I just started seventh grade a month ago and there has been SOOOOOO much tea. So Miss I’m-too-good-to-be-talking-to-you-sorry-people (aka bratty pageant girl) invited my friend from fourth grade to a pool party with all of the spazztic plastics. Since then (this happened the second week of school, it is now the fifth) she has not sat with me and the new kid from sixth grade, she broke up with her “boyfriend” (personally, I think seventh grade is a lil young) and our huge friend group from 6th grade split up. Since the second week of school, it’s only been me, the new girl from 6th grade (that stood up to Regina George of my grade) and a new girl who is super smart. Miss pageant girl has a sister in 8th grade who acts THE EXACT SAME WAY. Her sister started this rumor that this girl told another girl to kill herself (who didn’t really say that) and the girl who got the accusations got in trouble. Even the “victim” of the case said that the girl who allegedly told her to kill herself didn’t do it. Of course, everyone believed the pageant girl’s sister. To top all of that off, I’m getting CATCALLED by eighth graders. They stare at my butt and when I pass them in the hallway, they moan in my ears. I have no older siblings so they aren’t scared of me. My so-called friend from fourth grade has 3 older brothers that are all in high school so they don’t mess with her. The funny part is, I go to a PRIVATE SCHOOL