Negative Nancies (about pregnancy)

Since I announced to friends and family that I’m pregnant some people have been less than supportive and some just down right rude.

My SIL told my MIL that she doesn’t think me and my husband can afford another baby right now because she,” had to buy -sons name- schools supplies.”

🙄🙄🙄 No one asked this bitch to buy shit!! She randomly messaged during tax free weekend and told me she got the supplies list from Walmart and took it upon herself to buy all his supplies. And she bought him some clothes because there was a “sale”. I tried to pay her back SEVERAL times but she refused.

Several friends have said something about me announcing so early... I told immediate family at 5 weeks because my husband was so excited and wanted to tell everyone.

I also wanted to announce earlier because with my first child I was 15 years old(currently 24) and didn’t tell ANYONE for months, so I wanted to be able to celebrate and enjoy early on with loved ones.

I’m also met with,” I just couldn’t announce that early because I lost my baby at so-and-so weeks. I couldn’t bare to get my hopes up!”

Don’t get me wrong, my heart goes out to my friends that have experienced MC’s and wish they didn’t have to go through that pain... However when everyone else was announcing their “accidental” and first month trying pregnancy none of them said shit! And I was happy for them and didn’t say shit about me trying my fucking hardest for over a year to conceive.

I kept my fucking mouth shut and went to all the gender reveals, and baby showers with a smile on my face!!

So why does it seem like such a hard thing for other fucking people to do?!? Why can they be supportive of our friend who’s having a baby with an abusive POS that she’s only been with for 8 months but not of me who’s been married for 3 years to an amazing man?!?