Lilly is here! 😍


My sister came in from out of state to visit for a few days and we were hoping Lilly would make her appearance before she left. However, the universe tends to laugh at our plans and my sister left yesterday morning. I told her that I would probably go into labor since she left town and of course that is exactly what happened! I had a prenatal check up around 1 o'clock and after words was having irregular, although somewhat painful, contractions. Around 8:30 PM they were getting much more regular and much more painful so I called my mom to warn her that we would likely be dropping our son off to her on the way to the hospital at some point. At 10:30 we were headed out the door because my contractions were unbearable and we live an hour away from the hospital we chose. around 11:30 we arrived and they checked my cervix and I was 6cm dilated. It felt like it took years but they finally got an epidural in me. my contractions were coming on strong and fast. once my epidural kicked in my nurse checked me again and I was completely dilated and effaced. The doctor broke my water and I was able to get her out in about 3 contractions worth of pushing. I am in aw of how quickly it all went. With our first I was induced and even though it was a very successful complication free induction it still took 16 hours. So, say hello to our amazing, beautiful daughter, Lilly Anna