Here’s my story: Wednesday sept

Here’s my story: Wednesday sept. 5 I went in for a ultrasound to find out his weight. My amniotic
Fluid was too low. So I went to get my bags packed and have a nice dinner before I went to the hospital to be induced.I arrived around 7:30.  When I got there I was still closed so they gave me medicine to thin my cervix out. They gave me my epidural and then started me on pertocin .Then my Doctor broke my water a few hours after the pertocin started.   I didn’t feel much and I was dialting very slowly. Until around 2pm they checked me and  from around 12-2pm I had went from 3 cm to 8cm. Everyone was shocked ! When I finally reached 10 around 4 they said he was still high up and it would take a while to push. Well it wasn’t  too long because at 4:44 pm on sept. 6 . My little boy was born weighing 7 pounds 9 ounces and 20 inches long. He is doing wonderful and is beautiful. We are truly blessed!