Should I break up with my boyfriend of 7 years? (Longish)

We met when we were 15, got together when we were 16 and have shared so many wonderful memories since then. We’re both 23 now and he’s living 2 hours away for work so we only get to see each other at the weekends. It’s been like this for the last 2 years.

In May of this year I was having doubts about our relationship and broke up with him in person. He was devastated and cried the whole time, kept texting me telling that he thought I had made a mistake and that he wanted me to really think things through. He came home the next day and we talked and got back together. I thought things might get better now that we had talked about everything and it was fine for the first few weeks but now I’m getting those doubts again.

Thing is is that he’s my best friend, he knows everything about me and me him and I really don’t want to hurt him but I just don’t think I’m happy anymore. I’ve never been with anyone else and I feel like this is the time in my life where I should be out experiencing things on my own.

I’ve made a lot of new friends since I stared my job last year and they like to do things together on the weekends but because my boyfriend is only home then I feel I can’t do things with them. Sometimes I work weekends too and he keeps telling me to call in sick so I can be with him, but I’m just not comfortable doing that. Also if a friend texts me while we’re together he tells me to get off my phone and pay attention to him because we only have so long to spend together. I understand where he’s coming from but I just don’t care enough anymore and it makes me annoyed at him more than anything else, which isn’t fair on him.

Do you guys have any advice on what I should do or how I should do it?