Holy f*ck...

I’m 17. I’m flipping out. I’m against abortion. But idk I’m completely ready. My family is going to be so disappointed. I know that I should’ve been more careful, I know okay. I just need someone to talk to because I have no friends and my boyfriend (we’ve been together for almost a year) just broke his phone yesterday so I can’t tell him until he gets off work. Someone please ease my mind or something😭😭

Update: I told my boyfriend.. his reaction was not good. He thinks I should get rid of it. I really don’t think I could do that.. I’m panicking. Like I’m so terrified. I haven’t told my mom yet... I am young... he doesn’t know how we’d support it. He works a lot and makes okay money but he says that I can’t support myself without him. I don’t even know what that is supposed to mean.. he says he wants to be with me and have a baby but right now isn’t a good time. is it ever really a good time? I told him we had unprotected sex and this is the result... who am I to kill a baby bc of what we did? He said the baby can’t even think right now. I’m lost