Hospital visitors?

I need advice! I want to have my family come to see my baby when he’s born. but I don’t want my sister to go. she’s toxic and very emotionally abusive. I’ve expressed this to my mom and she said that if I don’t let my sister go then I can’t let my fiances brother visit either. The difference is that my fiancé’s brother is NOT toxic and MY sister told me that my baby is going to die several times throughout my pregnancy.

I know I just should do what I feel is right and not listen to my moms opinion, but I’m a very anxious person and i don’t want her to be mad at me.

I also can’t just not tell them when I’m going into labor because i promised my mom that she could be there. This is stressing me out so much. I told my sister that I didnt want her in my babies life and she said she didn’t care but it’s been a few weeks and she thinks I’ve forgotten and we’re going to be best friends again.

I want my family to visit just NOT my toxic abusive sister!! I don’t know what to do. no one seems to understand how I feel. my mom kind of just brushes off the fact that my sister said my baby is going to die. Help!