First IUI today


Just wanted to say that I’m excited we did our first <a href="">IUI</a> this morning! After being diagnosed with PCOS in January, we’ve been with the RE since March, did 4 cycles with Letrozole/Clomid (2 of those cycles had no response and 2 cycles I was able to trigger with Ovidrel) with timed intercourse with no luck. This cycle, I did injections every night of Gonal-f/ Menopur and the Dr was originally feeling like we’d have to convert to <a href="">IVF</a>, but when I went in on Friday, I had a 17.5 follicle on the left! And on the right I had two that were 12 and two that were 11 so they had me trigger Friday night. My husbands sperm was 16.38 million! I’m feeling hopeful and excited, fingers crossed! 🤞🏼🤞🏼