Semen analysis — should we be looking at IVF instead of IUI?


Hey ladies! I’m asking this because it’s been on my mind and I’m honestly worried that my doctor is suggesting <a href="">IUI</a> purely because it’s the cheaper option for us. But I don’t want to waste money on multiple <a href="">IUI</a> cycles if there is no hope. I have PCOS (responding really well to Femara) and we also have male factor infertility. We have conceived before but now we are trying for our second child and going on 22 months with no luck.

My husbands first semen analysis results are below...

These are his next semen analysis’ results below (this was about three months later):

I’m worried that things have gotten worse and not better. He’s added fertilaid supplements specifically for men but there’s no real improvement.

Post wash for our first <a href="">IUI</a> we had 4.5 million sperm. It failed. So does anyone have experience with this? Does <a href="">IUI</a> have a chance at working for us? Or should we be looking into <a href="">IVF</a> at this point?

Sorry for going on so long— I’m just feeling a bit hopeless and worried right now.