Just happened this weekend

Bria • Did Bc pills for years, then Paraguard IUD. Just took it out 7/12/21. Now doing natural route, learning about my body and reading the Woman Code and TTC. #FaBria @everythingbriaa

We found out Wednesday we were pregnant my boyfriend who I’m in love with we both are and its just not a good time in our lives right now to bring in a child and it’s all I’ve ever wanted my whole life it happened from one week messing up on the pill and always my first choice if it happened while I wasn’t ready is I would abort so I made the appt for Saturday (yesterday) and I went in and it was a step by step process in a waiting room full of girls and I find out im 7.3 weeks It was killing me but it was too late to do anything so I have the procedure and immediately crying right after and I’m a total mess I can’t stop crying and now I’m just regretting it wanting my baby back and feeling so so so empty dead inside and heartbroken :( I have no idea what to do my boyfriend is so distraught he doesn’t even know how to handle me yet alone his own emotions and went last night to his cousins who honestly is a horrible influence and I was okay with a couple hours but not all night and he fell asleep there and I got so upset I left said I was leaving him for leaving me all night when I wake up from nightmares crying and I’m alone and he was crying begging me not to go but I left anyways and now I’m on my way back because I was on the train crying my eyes out realizing how much I wanted a baby especially with the love of my life I’m just so so heartbroken at this moment ivebeen up since 3:30 crying my eyes out like does this pain ever go away? And will I be punished and never be able to have kids I’m so scared it’s all I want in life