ICSI question (from a male)


Question from a male on this site, looking for info. I’ll keep it short.

My wife and I are trying to conceive though <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>/ICSI. We both have children from previous marriages, so our fertility issues are strictly from my previous vasectomy, and we are now trying to have one of our own. I am 44, and Emmy wife is 41.

I have had an unsuccessful vasectomy reversal, unsuccessful sperm extraction, multiple biopsies showing very little sperm, and finally proceeded with 3 months of clomid, acupuncture, etc. Finally had the micro TESE surgery, and thankfully we have 5 viles of sperm!!!!

My wife started with 14 eggs, that had to be frozen, and we quickly went from 14, to 10, to 5 and then on transfer 10 had only 2. They were slow movers and we transferred both.

We are now at day 6 (after transfer)...note the embryos had not reached the blast point upon transfer. My wife has had a number of symptoms we thought could be related to pregnancy. This morning she took an at home pregnancy test, which was negative. Trying to remain positive but it’s tough. Looking for anyone who can relate, offer stories, hope, etc.

We are reading a lot of differing stories and just looking for something positive.

Sorry if this is long.