Just diagnosed. Where do I go from here?


I guess my left ovary is so covered in cysts you can’t see it and my right has a few small ones. They found it after one ruptured and I was bleeding bright red blood for a few days.

Idk what this means for me now.

I’ve been off BC since August 2017 and we were TTC until March 2018. (We stopped after learning the cruise we put a few thousand dollars into is not pregnancy friendly).

With my daughter (2.5 years old) they said it’d take

3 months for Nexplanon to get out of my system and she was conceived at that 3 months. There is a good chance that she was a miracle. I had just enough hormones left from bc to ovulate but not enough to prevent conception.

During my TTC time I did ovulation tests jan to feb. It showed I ovulated where I should for one month but the next month I ovulated during my period. My periods alternate between 26-38 days.

The 74 one had me spotting Christmas day to the 27 but it was barely there.

Idk what to do.

I’m getting blood work the 5th (after our cruise the last week of sept). We were planning on starting to TTC on the cruise but right now I’m on a step down bc pill just to get the bleeding to stop.

Any advice? Suggestions? Anything really?

Will I always have cysts that make me bleed? Will they always feel like I’m having back labor again? Will this weird pinchy feeling go away in my ovary? Is there anything that lessens the ruptures?

Added: I have an almost fatty deposit on my neck so they checked my thyroid and it also has cysts but is okay otherwise.