OPK test timing


Hey ladies! Quick question. I always see post about the first morning urine being used for OPK testing. However, I have read that early AM Opk testing could cause you to miss your LH surge, and that the best time to test is between 10am-8pm.

This may be a coincidence, but... Prior to April of this year I was working night shift (7p-7a). My husband and I decided to do a few rounds of OPK testing to see where things fell with my cycle. First "morning" urine for me was always around 3:30-4pm in the afternoon because I worked nights. Every month I consistently was able to get a PEAK fertility smiley face on my Clear Blue Adv Digital. Then we stopped testing and decided to wait to conceive until after our relocation to our current home. Now we are settled in new job, new home, etc... Im working day shift 6:30am to whenever at night. We work til we are finished which sometime can be 9 or 10 pm. Its crazy. Anyway!!!

August was our first month back doing OPK testing. I received MANY days of High Fertility but NEVER got a peak. I know this could mean that I didn't ovulate at all this month, but I also wonder if I actually missed my surge since my first morning urine is now at 4:30am. This is outside the recommended time for collection. I would be willing to carry my OPK tests to work if its truly best to test between 10am-8pm.

Thoughts please?