I’m so in love already😍💖

Aspen • 25 ♊️ diabetic💉 fur babies 🐕 disabled vets wife 06.01.18💪🏼 Lennyx Mitchel 2.17.19💙🤱

No body knows how happy this sound makes me(even tho i only got to hear it for a little bit because my baby is already a wiggle worm) 😍💖

It’s tough tho. No body ever imagines having a high risk pregnancy. No body dreams about it. When i was 5 and i told my teacher i wanted to be a mommy when i grew up i didn’t imagine having to take insulin and 3 different medications just to grow my baby. I didn’t imagine having to not have my cravings because if i eat that i have to take even more medication. I didn’t imagine walking into a doctors office and every time they told me the scary stuff that could happen in the next month instead how good my baby is doing. Having hour and a half appointments because for the 100th Time in the 3 and a half month pregnancy I’ve had so far i need to change up my meds. When your a teenager you tend to just not care. Your invincible . I tried that. I almost died. Then i got really good with it and then life happened and i started to slip a little bit again. Then i got pregnant. There is nothing in this world i wouldn’t do to keep this little bean happy and healthy . I’m so in love already. Even if it means I’m uncomfortable as long as that little heart beat is beating away I’m okay . I can’t wait to meet my baby already but until then everything i do is for that little baby 💖😍🤰🏼