Feeling Overwhelmed


I need to get this off my chest cuz its been bugging me for a few days.

I am now 15 weeks and 2 days alomg in my pregnancy and now that I am past the point of miscarry so it seems like now everyone, including my general manager, kitchen manager, and a couple of others at work are putting in their two sense where it is not wanted or needed.

My best friend is overstepping a boundary because I have decided, a while back, that she was going to be the godmother of my child but Im starting to feel like I have made a mistake. It feels like these people have put it in their minds that my pregnancy INCLUDES THEM! Commenting on what I should or shouldn't do/eat/drink.

Im trying so hard not to stress as I dont want my little one to feel those emotions but at the same time I want to tell everyone to leave me alone. Im almost ready to isolate...

Has or is anyone else gone or going through this??? I keep being told, "just ignore them" but its really hard when you hear it all, day in and day out. How do you deal?