TMI!! Is this normal at 39 weeks??

So I went to the dr this morning at 8 and she checked me and I’m 1cm and 30% effaced. I didn’t feel any pain after or anything, so when I got home around 8:30 I went back to bed and woke up around 12:30, and when I went to pee I had blood in the toilet and on the paper. It was a light pink/brown color. I called the nurses and she said that it was normal and to rest. Around 2ish my mom came over and we went to target for 2 hours and walked around and shopped. When I got home it had stopped. My husband and I went to m parents for dinner and walked their neighborhood for an hour, and the spotting came back but with cramps, a ton of pelvic pressure, and back pain. Is this normal or could it be a start?? I’m a FTM so I’m not sure what’s happening lol