I'm not trying to start a fight but I have one question, if christianity where true would you become a Christian?


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Posted at
If there were evidence, I would be forced to acknowledge the existence of the Christian god. However, I don’t think he’s worthy of worship due to his genocidal actions in the Bible and horrible treatment of women and minorities.


Ra • Mar 1, 2021
Are you out of your mind? So clearly you missed the verse about forcing a woman to have an abortion. And the one where her hands were cut off because she tried to stop her husband from fighting. Oh and ALL of the verses about slavery and how to treat your slaves. And the ones about murdering children. Your god is a monster. Why are you in this group?


Re • Aug 29, 2019
I’m sorry for intruding, but there is no evidence in the Bible where God or Jesus mistreats anyone. Instead, they raise people to life and saved us from our sins.


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Gl • Sep 28, 2018
I laughed way too hard at this


Posted at
If I found out there was an all powerful God, he would have some explaining to do. Either he wasn’t paying any attention or he’s a real sadistic asshole.


Posted at
I'm with Meredith in this, it's what I've said for years. Even though I don't believe any god exists if I found out right now that one or more were real I don't deem them worthy of worship. How anyone can worship a god when things like paedophilic exist in this world is beyond me.


Meredith • Sep 15, 2018
Definitely! And the fact that, according to the Bible, the Christian god chose to impregnate a CHILD (Mary). If a man put his semen in a 12-16 year old’s vagina, he would be thrown in prison! It’s so sick to me.


Posted at
Hell no haha. Even if there was real proof evidence at this point I would be like I'm good the way I am. Religion causes more harm than good period if that means I'm going to hell for enterity than so be it.


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No because either.. A. God isn’t a god since he has no power to fix anything. Therefore, I’m not praying to “some guy” OrB. He’s an a-hole standing around doing nothing when he could be helping.


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I used to be christian. If it was proven he was real I would acknowledge his existence but I couldn't worship or follow him. The ways my life has changed without him in it has been a lifesaver. The christian god is an evil narcissistic tyrant in my eyes.


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Well if there were official evidence then yes I suppose... depends tho. I mean if they found out Christianity was real but so were other religions, Id probably choose a different one... idk actually...🤔


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No, if he's real he has a lot of shit to answer to and I want no part of him


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Voted wrong. Meant to vote no. If God were real, I'd admit I was wrong. However, I wouldn't worship him. From what I know, he seems being terrible.