37+1 carpal tunnel and potential surgery

Jennifer • Hopelessly in love with my soulmate, mother of four beautiful kiddos: 💕03/03/08, 💙05/06/10, 👼💙09/28/18 - 06/02/2020, 💙03/27/2022 and current expecting #5 in July

I have developed really bad carpal tunnel during this pregnancy and it has gotten progressively worse. My doctor is worried that I will have permanent nerve damage and asked that I call her if things get worse so that she can set me up with a specialist in case I need surgery before baby comes. I want to tell her that it has gotten worse because it has and I'm barely getting any sleep because it is so painful but to me the more appropriate thing to do would be to induce and see if the carpal tunnel goes away upon birth as it often does in these situations and avoid the surgery. I am at a point now where I am so tired and so weak and in so much pain from my hands and arms as well as a new pain that has just started shooting down my right side anytime I move as well as other painful medical issues that existed before this pregnancy, that I don't want to go to any more appointments other than my scheduled OB appointments. I am having a very hard time driving/walking and even getting out of bed to assist my older children has taken everything I have in the morning and evenings. The thought of going for a consultation, then most assuredly labs and some sort of scan and then potentially an emergency surgery just doesn't seem logical at this point. Have any of you other Mama's experienced this during pregnancy? And did it resolve itself with birth? I of course will go with whatever my OB recommends but I would like to have a strong case that induction may be the better option in this particular situation considering I am high risk already due to my other health issues. Baby boy is absolutely healthy, in the 55th percentile and has had nothing but excellent reports in growth scans and other ultrasounds 🤷😢