Breastfeeding after c section?

Anyone successfully breastfeed after a c section? When did your milk come in? Any tips?
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I had a section and my baby had 4 days in intensive care so I couldn't even hold him. I started to express on day 2 so my supply was in (and so he could be tube fed) when we got to day 5 I was allowed to feed him and he took to it like he'd not even been away from me. He's 4weeks 3days now and a big strong milk guzzler. So don't worry. Good luck x 


Davina • Aug 2, 2015
Oh and I used a breast pillow to start off with. I've healed pretty quickly and haven't really had any problems with any feeding position. But I think that's all individual, go with what's comfortable for you x


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I had a c section on Thursday and an hour after my son was born I put him on my boobs to start sucking the colostrum. That was what he ate the first two days, and on Friday night or Saturday morning my milk came in. 


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Boppy didn't torso too short for that so pillow was too high and puffy to use. Just used a regular soft pillow to keep baby supported and off my incision. 


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I am. I'm 3 weeks pp and cradle and lying down are about all I can manage but she eats like a champ! Was back up above birth weight within a week. 


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My friend swore by the "my Brest friend" pillow after her c section


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My sisters both did. Is there any reason you'd think that you wouldn't be able to?


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I breastfed all my babies, but only had a csection with my last. It takes longer to heal with cesarian, and bending/turning at all is still painful weeks after birth. If you can, a boppy pillow will really help you get a nice comfortable position to breastfeed! Make sure you drink lots of water too!


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Nothing seems to have come in for me. It was there earlier, but now it's completely gone. And my nipples look horrid..


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I feed my daughter 1 hour after my c section. I used the cradle hold along with a pillow to prop my arm on. My milk came in on day 3 because I was feeding on demAnd