Clingy mother in law (long post)


Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone has a clingy MIL and what you did about it?

Little back story:

We had our baby girl last month and she is the first grandchild on both sides so I of course expected her to be spoiled by everyone but I feel like my MIL takes it to the extreme.

She calls every single day to see how the baby is. When she is over or we go over she has to be the first one to grab the baby and just wants to hold her the entire time. If anyone else wants to hold her she will try to delay it and when they finally get her my MIL is hovering over them making sure they are holding her property.

She gives advice in a way that it sounds like we don’t have a choice but to do what she says. When she says something about the baby she’ll go on and on about it and even repeat herself.

Today she made my husband lose his cool with her. She called him while we were out with some friends and the baby. He let it go to voice mail since we were out so she of course then called me. She asked to speak to him when I answered.

She accused us of not talking to her much and not taking the baby over much. The not talking is complete bullshit. She calls EVERY DAY and we answer. We try to go over at least once a week so she can see the baby but as all new mothers know, sometimes we are just to damn tired to go out.

Plus my husband works 4am to 1230pm which means he has to be in bed by at 9 the latest. She asked why I don’t take her on days he works but I’ll be so tired. Then on husband’s days off we have errands to run so we don’t always have time to pass by her house. He told her she’s welcome to come over and she said “but I have things going on” 😒🤦🏻‍♀️

She has been this clingy since she was born. I’ve told my husband a thousand times he needs to have a conversation with her. She doesn’t work and doesn’t have friends. So it seems she just wants to make her life about the baby. But omg she’s starting to drive me nuts.

Husband now feels terrible about his “argument” with her. He just told her that what she was accusing us of wasn’t true. I feel like I might have to have a conversation with her myself but idk how to bring it up and remain respectful. Lord help me.