FTM... normal?


So I’m 35 weeks tomorrow. I was feeling great besides some minor discomforts... heartburn, a little soreness and fatigue. Then last night I started with what I thought were BH around 7, they lasted every 6 minutes until 11 when I finally fell asleep. I woke up and they were still coming every 10 minutes with back soreness and period cramping. I’m a medical provider, I know the basics. I drank water, had a snack, took a shower, rested, and continued to time. I stayed home from work. Now I just feel like I took a 180. I now waddle, my pelvis hurts. Contractions are sporadic. Nauseous and very little appetite. Is my time just up feeling good through pregnancy? I called my OB, totally unconcerned and told me to go in if my contractions are 3-5 minutes apart or water breaks. I may have a medical degree but I’m still just a first time mom experiencing all this for the first time.. I’m also diabetic and high risk. My hospital has no NICU. A little help here from experienced mommas?