Abuse from partner

My partner and I got into an argument last night because I came home feeling sick and he asked if he was making tea I said can I just have your help.. this lead into an argument with him saying he doesn’t want to be a cook and that he’s sick of me being sick.

Let’s just add I’m 22 weeks pregnant with morning sickness and currently lost my job so I do EVERYTHING around the house and he does nothing but make mess..

Anyway.. this argument lead to him sleeping on the couch because he said he was only with me because he wants to see his baby so I told him not to come in the bedroom tonight because I don’t like him atm so he stayed in there then changed to the spare room but made it look like he stayed in lounge room.. idk why. But this morning he got up for work and I pretended to be asleep still which I guess pissed him off because he was banging doors , stomping his feet around, glanging dishes etc and when he finally left he decided to open out bedroom door and leave the front door wide open so that I would hear all the traffic and get cold.

I’m so furious about lastnight but even more furious about how childish and rude he just was... if I wasn’t pretending to be asleep that door being open would of got me sick.. the front door is right next to my bedroom door.. I’m so over this bs. I just want to leave honestly but that would mean moving in with my parents because I cannot afford to live here on my own .

Kayleen: your response is actually hurtful because I’m not childish at all. I never complained about house work I just stayed that I’m the one who does it so he should be helping cook tea if I’m being sick and me pretending to be asleep isn’t childish either.. it’s actually better then getting up and arguing more I stayed in bed so I wouldn’t have to put more stress on my baby. I’d say that mature of me. I don’t think you read this right at all because I wasn’t childish at all just hurt about the fact this was said and one to me.

To everyone else I don’t want to leave because that’s not fair on my child. He isn’t always this rude.. I don’t know what set him off lastnight that’s why I told him to stay on the couch because I had to get away from him to settle down.