Two year well child appointment

Jennifer • Mommy of 2 beautiful girls💜💜

Today was rough one and my heart hurts, we had my daughters two year well child check and I had suspected autism/aspergers since she doesn’t really talk says about 4 words in total if you’d call them words since they are mumbled and a few other signs. Her doctor after spending some extra time with us after me telling her what I suspected confirmed that she too thinks she might have aspergers and she wants to see us in six months and a year to test to catch it as early as we can to get the help she will need. Autism runs through my side of the family hard I have 6 cousins with it, I’m just scared of what the future will hold for her, the area we live is very unaccepting of people with disabilities and getting help is a fight like no other. I love my sweet little girl so much I just can’t imagine her coming home from school one day in tears from being bullied from being different, I wish I could put her in a bubble where no one can hurt her. Sorry for the long post of rambling but I needed to get it out there