How do I tell him

My boyfriend and I were on a break for less then 24 hours this weekend. He asked me if I wanted to break up and I said no because I honestly really want to work out. We said we’d try harder and I see some effort on his end but my heart still hurts. We took a break because it felt like we were growing apart but even if we work on that there’s so many things I’m afraid won’t work. But also my heart is extremely heavy cause there’s been multiple times he’s lied to me about where he’s been who he’s with and my heart hurts so bad. I think about it every day and I think that’s why I’ve grown distant and unhappy cause overtime it drives my mind nuts. I love him so much and it hurts me to tell him I think we need to break up especially cause I know he’s going to be devastated. I just don’t know how to tell him. I also am at school which is 2 hours away. I want to tell him in person but I don’t want him to make that drive and have to turn all the way around. I don’t know what to do anymore