TTC #2

I had some test done the other week to see if I'm ovulating and to make sure I didn't have pcos. I got my results the other day, I have ovulated and I also have a 29mm cyst on my left ovary, but the doctor says that it wouldn't affect us TTC. She said that hubby should get a sperm count done, but he says that we haven't really been "trying" so what's the point. We have been trying for 6 months now. We have BD when we have needed to. 
We fell pregnant really easy with our first. I guess I thought it'd be easy this time too. But it took over a year for my period to return after the Depo injection. In that time, my best friend and my SIL got pregnant and had their babies and now my other best friend is pregnant and due at the end of the month. Can't believe how jealous I have been with them. It's so hard to be around something you deperately want for yourself.
Well anyway, I'm due to ovulate in the next day or so and we have been BD quite a bit. I have also tried Conceive Plus a few times too. Really, really, REALLY hoping we get a BFP this month!!! Fingers X'd I guess.